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IPECC-Canada  was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in December 2022. It is responsible for organizing funding and supporting IPECC. It is governed by a 6 member Board of Directors.  Directors are elected by the sustaining members of IPECC-Canada. Officers of the corporation are appointed by the Board.



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Russell Edworthy, Chair

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David Holmes, Vice Chair

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Randy Purves, Treasurer

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Grant Peuramaki, Secretary

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Jude Rankin, Past Chair

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Brent Boutilier, Membership

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Sustaining Members


There are 4 sub-classes of sustaining members:

  • Ex-officio: The board of directors, past board members and current sub-committee chairs and vice chairs

  • Institutional: Representatives of the jurisdictions.

  • Educational: Representative of Colleges offering powering engineering programs

  • Industrial:  Representatives of associations related to power engineering and refrigeration operator fields

  • Individual: Persons who apply for sustaining membership and are approved by the board.

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