IPECC-Canada was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in December 2022. It is responsible for organizing funding and supporting IPECC. It is governed by a 6 member Board of Directors. Directors are elected by the sustaining members of IPECC-Canada. Officers of the corporation are appointed by the Board.
Russell Edworthy, Chair
David Holmes, Vice Chair
Randy Purves, Treasurer
Grant Peuramaki, Secretary
Jude Rankin, Past Chair
Brent Boutilier, Membership
Sustaining Members
There are 4 sub-classes of sustaining members:
Ex-officio: The board of directors, past board members and current sub-committee chairs and vice chairs
Institutional: Representatives of the jurisdictions.
Educational: Representative of Colleges offering powering engineering programs
Industrial: Representatives of associations related to power engineering and refrigeration operator fields
Individual: Persons who apply for sustaining membership and are approved by the board.