Power Engineering & Refrigeration are regulated occupations under the jurisdiction of the Canadian provincial and territorial governments, These bodies are responsible for the development and approval of national standards for the education and experience of these occupations.
There are many organizations that participate in the development of the common syllabi and the associated curricula used by colleges and other training institutions in accordance with these standards.

Association of Chief Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (ACI)
A committee of the Chief Inspectors responsible for the regulation of boilers and pressure equipment in each of the jurisdictions. This committee approves the syllabi, developed by SOPEEC.
Standardization of Power Engineering Examinations Committee (SOPEEC)
A committee of the Chief Power Engineering Examiner of each Canadian provincial and territorial jurisdiction. This committee is responsible for developing the standardized power engineering and refrigeration educational syllabi used across Canada.
Interprovincial Power Engineering Curriculum Committee (IPECC)
A committee comprised of volunteers drawn from the ranks of educators, industry and the jurisdictions, all interested in furthering the education of power engineers and refrigeration operators.
Using the standardized syllabi, this committee develops associated power engineering curricula. These curricula are used to develop the textbooks that form the basis of courses offered by colleges and other educational institutions.
Institute of Power Engineers (IPE)
The Institute of Power Engineers a not-for profit volunteer group dedicated to advocating, partnering, and promoting initiatives that benefit communities and society at large. Their primary mission is safety, efficiency, and environmental awareness.
The Institute of Power Engineers is a key collaborator and promotor of power engineering education across Canada, and continues to engage all stakeholders in order to uphold educational and technological standards.